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Page 6 of Huge Blaze at Grenfell towers in West London

General Forum


RE: [VIDEO] Huge Blaze at Grenfell towers in West London

RJS (undefined) posted this on Wednesday, 28th June 2017, 20:08

Si Wooldridge says...
"You say that, but the amount of failures being reported in different local authorities and across different sectors of building suggests something far more endemic than simple greed."

I'm sure I didn't suggest it was greed or a money issue. It might be a money issue in as far as someone signed off on this cladding as safe, so anyone who has the option of this or something more expensive would be making what is apparently a perfectly reasonable decision (without hindsight).

What I meant was, this doesn't seem to be someone deliberately cutting corners and ignoring the risks to save money.

The issue is how this became standard (which is what it appears to be) is the thing, how does something which is flammable become okay to plaster over every tower block?

Did someone say it was safe knowing it wasn't? Was it just assumed to be safe without any testing? Is the fact that it's flammable irrelevant with building regulations?


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RE: [VIDEO] Huge Blaze at Grenfell towers in West London

Si Wooldridge (Reviewer) posted this on Wednesday, 28th June 2017, 21:02

Sorry, didn't mean to imply something that wasn't there, just seems to me that there is a systemic failure here somewhere.  I agree with what you say.

Hopefully we'll find out exactly what that was.

The politicisation of this just winds me up as that means that the truth may just be ignored in search of partisan scapegoats.


Si Wooldridge

RE: [VIDEO] Huge Blaze at Grenfell towers in West London

bandicoot (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 28th June 2017, 23:41

Rob says....It's amazing that it was signed off by someone, it does seem to be a case of "this is safe to use" rather than someone using knock off cladding to do it cheaper. :(

You are quite right that in all project/building work, tests and working operations to specification, must seen working correctly, and must be signed off by Main Contractor, any sub-contractors, client, and architects.

But this goes far deeper as the material product, ie, the aluminium/ foam cladding was 'not fit for purpose', and the USA company selling the cladding worldwide has now discontinued production of said cladding.  A bit on the late side!

The inquest will have to find out why this passed fire regulation inspection and signed off.

RE: [VIDEO] Huge Blaze at Grenfell towers in West London

bandicoot (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 1st July 2017, 11:53

Council members are resigning in the burgh of the burned tower block, but this will not stop them getting hauled in on the inquiry and possible further consequences.

RE: [VIDEO] Huge Blaze at Grenfell towers in West London

mbilko (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 1st July 2017, 12:13

Interesting that none of the cladding was found in Scotland, due to a fire which killed people back in the day and the council/government acted quickly and banned it, stunned it wasn't acted on all around the UK

RE: [VIDEO] Huge Blaze at Grenfell towers in West London

Si Wooldridge (Reviewer) posted this on Saturday, 1st July 2017, 19:13

Now call me silly, but this sounds to me like a direct debit as even rent arrears can't be seized from a bank account as far as I'm aware (and it doesn't sound like rent arrears) and the direct debit guarantee can return that money pretty quickly.

On the other hand, it should also be a simple enough task to stop any payments for rent being taken from anyone with that address, so sounds like the local housing department have either dropped the ball or are too busy trying to sort out a mass of other issues on the ground.

Either way, sounds like mischief making by the BBC on this one to me.


Si Wooldridge

RE: [VIDEO] Huge Blaze at Grenfell towers in West London

bandicoot (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 13th July 2017, 07:04

BBC news today.......Seems one young survivor suffered from cyanide gas poisoning, and her and two others in her family had to get a cyanide antidote.

Authorities are now looking at what produced this gas in the fire, but assume it came from a burning plastic.

RE: [VIDEO] Huge Blaze at Grenfell towers in West London

Jitendar Canth (Reviewer) posted this on Thursday, 22nd February 2024, 19:37

This seems tragically familiar.

Jitendar Canth

"I thought what I`d do was, I`d pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes."

Site Reviewer at DVD Reviewer & MyReviewer

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RE: [VIDEO] Huge Blaze at Grenfell towers in West London

Par Mizan (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 22nd February 2024, 23:12

It is very difficult trying to get people out of these high rise buildings with flames all around. I know you should never take the lift as power could be cut off in mid use and trap you in. One of the crazy rules in Grenfell towers was to stay in your flat in case of emergency and await rescue. What!  I would have been out of there like a shot and down those stairs, and that's what saved many of the survivors.

I always have an escape route planned, we would throw our bed mattress out the first floor window to the grass and throw the cat out first to check for trajectory, then the wife and then I would jump, hopefully landing on cat and wife for cushioning of fall :D


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