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Page 2 of Sky email account

PCs & Mobiles Forum

RE: Sky email account

alfie noakes (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 22nd June 2023, 13:10

Maybe you can't use IMAP and have to settle for POP3 access.

Snaps says...
"I don't have Works so Outlook is not an option"

You can use Outlook mail free (desktop version too) - you don't need an Office sub or anything.

RE: Sky email account

Snaps (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 22nd June 2023, 21:19

alfie noakes says...
"Maybe you can't use IMAP and have to settle for POP3 access."

Tried both.
Still not playing.


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RE: Sky email account

sj (Elite) posted this on Friday, 23rd June 2023, 19:22

So your name and password are 100% correct and you use the settings advised but can't login to a mail app - weird!
I recently needed to make a change to my phone's mail app but couldn't get in so tried an alternative - Bluemail.  However, I couldn't get in on that either.  Turns out the ISP has changed it so 3rd party Apps use a different password to the webmail - this sounds like your issue too.  I found no information on it without explicitly asking.  You need to generate a new 3rd party password for such Apps.
Having said that, I've made Bluemail my default now as it's so much better than the stock one or the GMail App.

EDIT:Notice you say you've tried all the above - I just noticed a line actually says 16 digit app password which is what I was describing - are you sure you've done that?  Linky.
To help protect your email account, instead of your usual email password you might need to generate a unique app password to use on your email app.
You'll only need to use this password once for the initial setup. After then, you'll stay signed in automatically.

EDIT2: Also, as above, I don't think anyone should use pop3 nowadays, go for the IMAP server and settings if you can.  Everything is synced automatically.


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This item was edited on Friday, 23rd June 2023, 20:04

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