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Page 2 of [VIDEO] Quantum Leap!!! 19 Sept start date

Television Forum

RE: [VIDEO] Quantum Leap!!! 19 Sept start date

admars (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 8th March 2023, 10:35

quite enjoyed last night's, back to being a normal proper episode with "what ifs" :)

RE: [VIDEO] Quantum Leap!!! 19 Sept start date

admars (Elite) posted this on Friday, 7th April 2023, 07:28

hmmmn, maybe we should have given up after all,

i accidentally saw the other week it has a season 2 coming, so the finale was a bit disapointing and not a surprise
i wanted to like it, and there were those few really good episodes, but I think at the end of the day, like I said at the beginning, the cast just aren't as charasmatic as the old cast, and maybe this tries to be too clever?

This item was edited on Friday, 7th April 2023, 07:34

RE: [VIDEO] Quantum Leap!!! 19 Sept start date

RJS (undefined) posted this on Friday, 7th April 2023, 08:24

admars says...
"the cast just aren't as charasmatic as the old cast"

It's so hard to resurrect old shows well, people want something new and different but with the old warm fuzzies, and these shows are only in our retro memories because they had the right people and it was the right formula at the right time.

We want more of the same, but really we don't because back then shows were much more quantity over quality and we have higher expectations now.


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Liked by: admars

RE: [VIDEO] Quantum Leap!!! 19 Sept start date

admars (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 15th October 2023, 21:20

season 2 started the other week, just watched episode 1, it was ok

RE: [VIDEO] Quantum Leap!!! 19 Sept start date

mbilko (Elite) posted this on Monday, 16th October 2023, 09:00

similar to season one first 2 episodes, decidedly meh

RE: [VIDEO] Quantum Leap!!! 19 Sept start date

admars (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 10th December 2023, 21:38

so we've had a couple of decent ones, and now I'm wondering why I'm watching it again :(

RE: [VIDEO] Quantum Leap!!! 19 Sept start date

admars (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 15th February 2024, 14:37

so, it's back.

good one a couple of weeks ago

last week was another lecture on being nice to people, it's well meaning, in showing transgender isn't a new thing but so heavy handed in it's way of dealing with it as it was before.

then this week was back to being quite good, 'cos it was just Sam trying to help someone so he can come back, and the new element of interacting with one person over different leaps is good.

I so want to like it, i really do, but I'm still not sure why I watch it half the time. guess it gives me something to moan about ;)

RE: [VIDEO] Quantum Leap!!! 19 Sept start date

mbilko (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 15th February 2024, 14:42

My problem is the story arc, just really dont like the time travel love story, more mills and boon than sam Beckett

Liked by: admars

RE: [VIDEO] Quantum Leap!!! 19 Sept start date

Par Mizan (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 15th February 2024, 15:04

Will be giving it a miss as did not like the main two actors first time round. This looks even worse. Episodes always seemed to be same same get into trouble get out of trouble scenario. Especially hated the drag act episodes where he was a supposed to be playing a woman, wot a joke LOL.

RE: [VIDEO] Quantum Leap!!! 19 Sept start date

Snaps (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 15th February 2024, 19:56

Only ever watched a couple of episodes of the original series and never got into it.
Did like Dean Stockwell though.


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